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Living a toxin-free life does not mean you need to be hyper-vigilant to the point of exhaustion. If you’re overwhelmed and anxious because of your pursuit of a cleaner lifestyle, this is your sign to take a step back. I see a lot of parallels happening in the wellness industry right now between the dogmatic diet culture and the clean living space. I am passionate because I think the secrecy of what companies are putting in your products needs to come to light. But even a good, healthy thing can be taken too far. When these conversations start to induce feelings of anxiety or maybe even shame, the effect of those feelings can actually be worse than the products you’re avoiding. Spoiler alert, there is no such thing as completely toxin-free living, and that is not a goal that anybody should be striving for.
In this short episode, i’m hoping to send you off with a new-found confidence that you DO have the tools and strategy you need to live a more toxin-free life. I’ll be sharing my simple, stress-free, five-step framework for living a toxin-free(ish) life. You can reduce your toxin exposure by focusing on the five things in your home that are contributing the most. Then, i’ll walk you through the three key questions to ask yourself when it comes to all the rest.
The harmful effects of stressing yourself out about toxins
The three questions I ask myself when a product falls outside of the big five
Is there an alternative available that is cost effective, still works, and is convenient to buy?
Does this align with a current priority of mine?
Would giving this up steal my joy?
The five categories that deserve your time and attention, and if you’re able, a little bit of investment
Keeping the water you drink clean
Cutting out artificial fragrances
Ditching and swapping your household cleaners
Addressing the indoor air quality of your home
Swapping your deodorant
Download the Tossing the Toxins Guide
Shop toxin free household products on the Toxin Free Shopping Guide
Take a peak of what’s in my house and my favorites here
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